Title: Jungle Beat The Movie 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Animation
Quality: HD
Directors: Brent Dawes
Writer: Brent Dawes, Sam Wilson
Stars: David Menkin, David Rintoul, Gavin Peter
Synopsis: Free Latest Hollywood movie Jungle Beat The Movie 2020. This animation thriller tells the story about jungle animals. One day an alien ship crashes into the African jungle and a little alien was missing into the jungle. The alien has many powers. After his arrival all the animal start speaking because of him. The animals and alien now become friends. All the jungle animals help the alien to send him back to his home. afdah free movies is a platform that allows users to stream and download all new hollywood movies.
2020 Movies, Animation Movies, English Movie
Genres: 2020 Movies | Animation
Quality: HD
Directors: Brent Dawes
Writer: Brent Dawes, Sam Wilson
Stars: David Menkin, David Rintoul, Gavin Peter
Synopsis: Free Latest Hollywood movie Jungle Beat The Movie 2020. This animation thriller tells the story about jungle animals. One day an alien ship crashes into the African jungle and a little alien was missing into the jungle. The alien has many powers. After his arrival all the animal start speaking because of him. The animals and alien now become friends. All the jungle animals help the alien to send him back to his home. afdah free movies is a platform that allows users to stream and download all new hollywood movies.