Title: Kimi 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Steven Soderbergh
Writer: David Koepp
Stars: Zoë Kravitz, Erika Christensen, Rita Wilson
How to watch Kimi 2022 online?
Bradley Hasling (Derek DelGaudio) is the CEO of a technology corporation called Amygdala. He is giving an interview about the company’s latest product, Kimi. Kimi is a smart speaker that controversially uses human surveillance to improve the device’s search algorithm. Amygdala plans to make an initial public offering soon, which stands to make a fortune for Hessling. Angela Childs (Zoë Kravitz) is an Amygdala employee. She works from home in Seattle and monitoring data streaming from Kimi devices and improves the software quality for users. She was suffering from anxiety and agoraphobia due to the previous attack, which was exacerbated by the COVID-19 epidemic. Her primary human contact is with her romantic partner Terry Hughes (Byron Bowers). He is her neighbor across the street whom she meets for sex in her apartment. One day while working, Angela finds a recording that appears to capture a violent sexual assault. With the help of her coworker Darius Popescu (Alex Dobrenko), she accesses the information of a woman named Samantha Gerrity (Erika Christensen), the account holder. Other recordings show that a man named Brad was convicted of assault and later killed Samantha. It has been revealed that ‘Brad’ is actually Bradley Hasling (Derek DelGaudio), who ordered the assassination from a hitman named Antonio Rivas (Jaime Camil). Now you have to find by watching this full movie that How Angela is going to uncover all this matter in front of the police? To watch the latest 2022 released Hollywood films visit Afdah Movies Online free website now.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Steven Soderbergh
Writer: David Koepp
Stars: Zoë Kravitz, Erika Christensen, Rita Wilson
How to watch Kimi 2022 online?
Bradley Hasling (Derek DelGaudio) is the CEO of a technology corporation called Amygdala. He is giving an interview about the company’s latest product, Kimi. Kimi is a smart speaker that controversially uses human surveillance to improve the device’s search algorithm. Amygdala plans to make an initial public offering soon, which stands to make a fortune for Hessling. Angela Childs (Zoë Kravitz) is an Amygdala employee. She works from home in Seattle and monitoring data streaming from Kimi devices and improves the software quality for users. She was suffering from anxiety and agoraphobia due to the previous attack, which was exacerbated by the COVID-19 epidemic. Her primary human contact is with her romantic partner Terry Hughes (Byron Bowers). He is her neighbor across the street whom she meets for sex in her apartment. One day while working, Angela finds a recording that appears to capture a violent sexual assault. With the help of her coworker Darius Popescu (Alex Dobrenko), she accesses the information of a woman named Samantha Gerrity (Erika Christensen), the account holder. Other recordings show that a man named Brad was convicted of assault and later killed Samantha. It has been revealed that ‘Brad’ is actually Bradley Hasling (Derek DelGaudio), who ordered the assassination from a hitman named Antonio Rivas (Jaime Camil). Now you have to find by watching this full movie that How Angela is going to uncover all this matter in front of the police? To watch the latest 2022 released Hollywood films visit Afdah Movies Online free website now.
2022, Crime Movies, Drama Movies, Thriller Movies