Title: Legends of Tomorrow S04 E11 (Séance and Sensibility)
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama
Language: English
IMDB Rating: – 8.3/10
Directors: Alexandra La Roche
Writer: Greg Berlanti , Marc Guggenheim
Stars: Brandon Routh, Caity Lotz, Maisie Richardson-Sellers
Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Drama Movies, tv show
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama
Language: English
IMDB Rating: – 8.3/10
Directors: Alexandra La Roche
Writer: Greg Berlanti , Marc Guggenheim
Stars: Brandon Routh, Caity Lotz, Maisie Richardson-Sellers
Synopsis:When Mona (Ramona Young) discovers that her favorite author, Jane Austen (guest star Jenna Rosenow), might be at the epicenter of a magical alert, Mona, Sara (Caity Lotz), Charlie (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) and Zari (Tala Ashe) find themselves in 1809. With Nate (Nick Zano) still dealing with family issues, Constantine (Matt Ryan) and Rory (Dominic Purcell) perform a séance . Get more latest adventure movies online full free hd.