Title: Legends of Tomorrow S04E07 (Hell No, Dolly!)
Genres: Drama, Action, Adventure
Language: English
Directors: April Mullen
Writer: Greg Berlanti , Marc Guggenheim
Stars: Brandon Routh, Caity Lotz, Maisie Richardson-Sellers
Synopsis: With Rory and Ava at odds, Sara tries to come up with a way for them to get along, but all is put on hold when a new magical creature attacks the Legends. Constantine is forced to confront his tragic past but it could have devastating consequences for the rest of the team. Meanwhile, Mona has a crush on someone she works with and gets some advice from Nate.Watch for more films by afdah tv without any cost.
2018 Movies, Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, tv show
Genres: Drama, Action, Adventure
Language: English
Directors: April Mullen
Writer: Greg Berlanti , Marc Guggenheim
Stars: Brandon Routh, Caity Lotz, Maisie Richardson-Sellers
Synopsis: With Rory and Ava at odds, Sara tries to come up with a way for them to get along, but all is put on hold when a new magical creature attacks the Legends. Constantine is forced to confront his tragic past but it could have devastating consequences for the rest of the team. Meanwhile, Mona has a crush on someone she works with and gets some advice from Nate.Watch for more films by afdah tv without any cost.