Title: LEGO DC Shazam Magic Monsters 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Animation, Comedy, Family
Quality: HD
Directors: Matt Peters
Writer: Jeremy Adams, C.C. Beck
Stars: Sean Astin, Dee Bradley Baker, Troy Baker
Synopsis: Directly watch free HD Movie LEGO DC Shazam Magic Monsters 2020 online. This an animation movie. The main character in the movie is Billy. Billy, who is very young but very lucky, has the opportunity to meet a magician one day. This old wizard gives the child some special abilities, so Billy returns to Shazam. Being aware of his powers and being a superhero, Billy’s only goal is to save people. Our little hero, who draws the attention of the Justice League while advancing on this path, wants to be taken to the team, but because of his age, this authority is not given to him, and then very difficult enemies await him. You can browse afdah 2020 movies and TV series in high definition quality.
2020 Movies, Animation Movies, Comedy Movies, English Movie, Family Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Animation, Comedy, Family
Quality: HD
Directors: Matt Peters
Writer: Jeremy Adams, C.C. Beck
Stars: Sean Astin, Dee Bradley Baker, Troy Baker
Synopsis: Directly watch free HD Movie LEGO DC Shazam Magic Monsters 2020 online. This an animation movie. The main character in the movie is Billy. Billy, who is very young but very lucky, has the opportunity to meet a magician one day. This old wizard gives the child some special abilities, so Billy returns to Shazam. Being aware of his powers and being a superhero, Billy’s only goal is to save people. Our little hero, who draws the attention of the Justice League while advancing on this path, wants to be taken to the team, but because of his age, this authority is not given to him, and then very difficult enemies await him. You can browse afdah 2020 movies and TV series in high definition quality.