Title: Merry Little Batman 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Animation, Comedy, Family
Quality: HD
Directors: Mike Roth
Stars: Luke Wilson, Yonas Kibreab, James Cromwell
How to watch Merry Little Batman 2023 online?
Damien, who is eight years old, is an animated child who likes to go about his house dressed as Batman. Bruce Wayne, his father, serves as an inspiration to him. He left the spotlight as Batman after ending all crime in Gotham City and is now content to live a quiet life with his son and caretaker Alfred. On Christmas Eve, Batman gives Damien his own utility belt. Later that night, he is called back to the force due to strange, inexplicable occurrences in Nova Scotia that the Justice League is unwilling to look into. He goes off on a quick mission, but the Batplane crashes out of nowhere, leaving him by himself. Two burglars named Terry and Francine break into Wayne Manor and remove the utility belt while Damien is having fun. Damien refuses to accept losing his treasured present, so he dons a Batsuit and follows the home invaders. This sends him on a frantic chase across Gotham, where he encounters Poison Ivy, The Joker, Bane, and The Penguin. Enjoy high quality movie free streaming with Afdah.
Afdah 2023, Animation Movies, Comedy Movies, Family Movies
Genres: 2023 Movies | Animation, Comedy, Family
Quality: HD
Directors: Mike Roth
Stars: Luke Wilson, Yonas Kibreab, James Cromwell
How to watch Merry Little Batman 2023 online?
Damien, who is eight years old, is an animated child who likes to go about his house dressed as Batman. Bruce Wayne, his father, serves as an inspiration to him. He left the spotlight as Batman after ending all crime in Gotham City and is now content to live a quiet life with his son and caretaker Alfred. On Christmas Eve, Batman gives Damien his own utility belt. Later that night, he is called back to the force due to strange, inexplicable occurrences in Nova Scotia that the Justice League is unwilling to look into. He goes off on a quick mission, but the Batplane crashes out of nowhere, leaving him by himself. Two burglars named Terry and Francine break into Wayne Manor and remove the utility belt while Damien is having fun. Damien refuses to accept losing his treasured present, so he dons a Batsuit and follows the home invaders. This sends him on a frantic chase across Gotham, where he encounters Poison Ivy, The Joker, Bane, and The Penguin. Enjoy high quality movie free streaming with Afdah.