Title: Nanny 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Nikyatu Jusu
Writer: Nikyatu Jusu
Stars: Anna Diop, Michelle Monaghan, Sinqua Walls
How to watch Nanny 2022 online?
How to watch Christmas Bloody Christmas 2022 online?
Cedric is a middle-aged man who enjoys pulling pranks on those around him. However, he frequently did not feel the edge and once went too far. His jokes contained a hint of sexism, and as a result, he lost his job. But the hero does not give up; instead, he decides to spend more time at home and considers writing memoirs in which he wants to discuss his life principles regarding misogyny. Soon after, his wife decides to go to work because the constant crying of a small child and the endless diaper changing exhaust her. The couple decides to hire a nanny, who they name Amy after careful consideration. But when a girl moves in, everything changes, and most importantly, she instils in Cedric a respect for the weaker sex. Stream full free afdah movies in HD.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Nikyatu Jusu
Writer: Nikyatu Jusu
Stars: Anna Diop, Michelle Monaghan, Sinqua Walls
How to watch Nanny 2022 online?
How to watch Christmas Bloody Christmas 2022 online?
Cedric is a middle-aged man who enjoys pulling pranks on those around him. However, he frequently did not feel the edge and once went too far. His jokes contained a hint of sexism, and as a result, he lost his job. But the hero does not give up; instead, he decides to spend more time at home and considers writing memoirs in which he wants to discuss his life principles regarding misogyny. Soon after, his wife decides to go to work because the constant crying of a small child and the endless diaper changing exhaust her. The couple decides to hire a nanny, who they name Amy after careful consideration. But when a girl moves in, everything changes, and most importantly, she instils in Cedric a respect for the weaker sex. Stream full free afdah movies in HD.
2022, Drama Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies