Title: Fatherhood 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Comedy, Drama,
Quality: HD
Directors: Paul Weitz
Writer: Dana Stevens, Paul Weitz,
Stars: Kevin Hart, Alfre Woodard, Lil Rel Howery
How to watch Fatherhood 2021 online?
Fatherhood is the latest released Hollywood movie which is starring Kevin Hart. He is giving an outstanding performance in this movie. Those who think that he is good only for comedy movies must watch his performance in this movie. It is released on a very special day where everyone plans to celebrate Father’s Day. In this movie, we watch the struggle of a single father whose wife died during the delivery of his baby. It feels impossible for him to take care of a newborn baby. But her love for his wife and his baby makes him mature and responsible for the caring of his baby. It is a good movie to watch with your family and also see how much a father loves his children in every condition. Visit afdah movie to watch movies without paying charges.

2021 Movies, Comedy Movies, Drama Movies