Title: Rumble 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sport
Quality: HD
Directors: Hamish Grieve
Writer: Hamish Grieve, Matt Lieberman, Rob Harrell
Stars: Geraldine Viswanathan, Will Arnett, Stephen A. Smith
How to watch Rumble 2021 online?
With Rumble 2021 Animation family Movie you will get Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sport to watch in one place. The story for this film is based on the graphic novel “Monster on the Hill” written by Rob Harrell. Hamish Grieve has done direction and also helped Matt Lieberman in writing the screenplay for this film. In the world of Rumble, Monster Wrestling is a worldwide sport. Here all the monsters are superstar athletes and are fighting for the top spot. Winnie (Geraldine Viswanathan) also wants to follow in her father’s footsteps. Her father used to manage and give coaching to the Monsters. She also wants to train a beloved underdog but experienced monster named Steve. She wants to make Steve a champion so he can go against defending champion Tentacular. You have to watch this film and find how Winnie is going to train Steve for a championship. This film has got 6.0/10 IMDB Ratings. On Website Afdah Watch Movies and all episodes of trending Web series online for free.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sport
Quality: HD
Directors: Hamish Grieve
Writer: Hamish Grieve, Matt Lieberman, Rob Harrell
Stars: Geraldine Viswanathan, Will Arnett, Stephen A. Smith
How to watch Rumble 2021 online?
With Rumble 2021 Animation family Movie you will get Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sport to watch in one place. The story for this film is based on the graphic novel “Monster on the Hill” written by Rob Harrell. Hamish Grieve has done direction and also helped Matt Lieberman in writing the screenplay for this film. In the world of Rumble, Monster Wrestling is a worldwide sport. Here all the monsters are superstar athletes and are fighting for the top spot. Winnie (Geraldine Viswanathan) also wants to follow in her father’s footsteps. Her father used to manage and give coaching to the Monsters. She also wants to train a beloved underdog but experienced monster named Steve. She wants to make Steve a champion so he can go against defending champion Tentacular. You have to watch this film and find how Winnie is going to train Steve for a championship. This film has got 6.0/10 IMDB Ratings. On Website Afdah Watch Movies and all episodes of trending Web series online for free.
2021 Movies, Adventure Movies, Animation Movies, Comedy Movies, Family Movies, Fantasy Movies, Sport Movies