Title: Opening Night (2016)
Genres: 2017 Movie | Comedy, Musical
Language: English
Directors: Isaac Rentz
Writer: Gerry De Leon, Greg Lisi
Stars: Topher Grace, Alona Tal, Anne Heche
A fizzled Broadway artist who now acts as a generation supervisor must spare premiere night on his new creation by wrangling his erratic cast and group. Afdah presents free musical movies without any membership.
2017 Movies, Comedy Movies, Musical Movies
Genres: 2017 Movie | Comedy, Musical
Language: English
Directors: Isaac Rentz
Writer: Gerry De Leon, Greg Lisi
Stars: Topher Grace, Alona Tal, Anne Heche
A fizzled Broadway artist who now acts as a generation supervisor must spare premiere night on his new creation by wrangling his erratic cast and group. Afdah presents free musical movies without any membership.