Title: Pain Hustlers 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Crime, Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: David Yates
Stars: Emily Blunt, Chris Evans, Catherine O’Hara
How to watch Pain Hustlers 2023 online?
Liza is a quick-thinking single mother who can’t seem to make the most of her brilliance, surrendering to body over brain and working at a strip club to make ends meet. She encounters Pete, who is both attracted to and impressed by her and proposes that she return to the startup while inebriated. To his surprise, she not only accepts his offer, but does so so expertly that she intrudes on the lives of the doctors she’s trying to persuade to prescribe her prescription and pushes out rival salespeople in the process. However, the pharmaceutical she is promoting contains fentanyl at a time when concerns have been expressed but not completely addressed, and things begin to go wrong as she and the company advance up the corporate ladder. Watch here, all new movies online at home now on Afdah.
Afdah 2023, Crime Movies, Drama Movies
Genres: 2023 Movies | Crime, Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: David Yates
Stars: Emily Blunt, Chris Evans, Catherine O’Hara
How to watch Pain Hustlers 2023 online?
Liza is a quick-thinking single mother who can’t seem to make the most of her brilliance, surrendering to body over brain and working at a strip club to make ends meet. She encounters Pete, who is both attracted to and impressed by her and proposes that she return to the startup while inebriated. To his surprise, she not only accepts his offer, but does so so expertly that she intrudes on the lives of the doctors she’s trying to persuade to prescribe her prescription and pushes out rival salespeople in the process. However, the pharmaceutical she is promoting contains fentanyl at a time when concerns have been expressed but not completely addressed, and things begin to go wrong as she and the company advance up the corporate ladder. Watch here, all new movies online at home now on Afdah.