Title: Peter Rabbit (2018)
Genres: 2018 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Language: English
Directors: Will Gluck
Writers: Rob Lieber, Will Gluck
Stars: James Corden, Fayssal Bazzi, Domhnall Gleeson

Peter Rabbit (2018) on IMDb

Synopsis: Based on the character in Beatrix Potter’s children’s book saga, “Peter Rabbit”, this film shows the relationship between the endearing rabbit and the McGregor family. It is the first adaptation of the beloved English classic, a mixture of animation and real action. The film takes us to Peter Rabbit’s farm, where a new human arrives ready to take hold of his owner’s heart, completely altering the natural future in the house. ‘Peter Rabbit’ is directed by Will Gluck. Here you can Watch free movies website with just a single click.