Title: The Burning Sea 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action
Quality: HD
Directors: John Andreas Andersen
Writer: Harald Rosenløw-Eeg, Lars Gudmestad
Stars: Kristine Kujath Thorp, Henrik Bjelland, Rolf Kristian Larsen
How to watch The Burning Sea 2022 online?
The Burning Sea 2022 and new Hollywood Action Movie now streaming in HD Print here. This movie got its story from famous writers Harald Rosenløw-Eeg and Lars Gudmestad. The project was completed with the directions of John Andreas Andersen. The movie story begins In 1969. When the Norwegian government has announced the discovery of the world’s one of the largest oil fields in the neighboring North Sea. That was a prosperous era of offshore drilling. But, after 50 years, the effects of the environment begin to unfold. A crack in the ocean floor has opened now. That caused a rig to collapse. A team of investigators Came there urgently. In this team submarine operator, Sofia (Kristine Kujath Thorp) is included. She arrives in a hurry to investigate the disappearance and assess the cause of the damage. She finds that it is the beginning of a potential catastrophe. Riggs is pulled out, but Sofia’s beloved companion Stian (Henrik Bjelland) gets trapped in the depths of the ocean. Now Sophia dives to save him. On platform Afdah Watch Movies Online that are recently released in Full HD Print free of cost.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action
Quality: HD
Directors: John Andreas Andersen
Writer: Harald Rosenløw-Eeg, Lars Gudmestad
Stars: Kristine Kujath Thorp, Henrik Bjelland, Rolf Kristian Larsen
How to watch The Burning Sea 2022 online?
The Burning Sea 2022 and new Hollywood Action Movie now streaming in HD Print here. This movie got its story from famous writers Harald Rosenløw-Eeg and Lars Gudmestad. The project was completed with the directions of John Andreas Andersen. The movie story begins In 1969. When the Norwegian government has announced the discovery of the world’s one of the largest oil fields in the neighboring North Sea. That was a prosperous era of offshore drilling. But, after 50 years, the effects of the environment begin to unfold. A crack in the ocean floor has opened now. That caused a rig to collapse. A team of investigators Came there urgently. In this team submarine operator, Sofia (Kristine Kujath Thorp) is included. She arrives in a hurry to investigate the disappearance and assess the cause of the damage. She finds that it is the beginning of a potential catastrophe. Riggs is pulled out, but Sofia’s beloved companion Stian (Henrik Bjelland) gets trapped in the depths of the ocean. Now Sophia dives to save him. On platform Afdah Watch Movies Online that are recently released in Full HD Print free of cost.
2022, Action Movies, afdah en español, English Movie