Title: Rememory (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movies | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Language: English
Directors: Mark Palansky
Writer: Mark Palansky, Mike Vukadinovich
Stars: Peter Dinklage, Matt Ellis, Jordana Largy
The widow of a wise professor stumbles upon one of his inventions that’s able to record and play a person’s memory. Watch for more films by afdah movies without any cost.
2017 Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, Mystery Movies, Sci-Fi Movies
Genres: 2017 Movies | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Language: English
Directors: Mark Palansky
Writer: Mark Palansky, Mike Vukadinovich
Stars: Peter Dinklage, Matt Ellis, Jordana Largy
The widow of a wise professor stumbles upon one of his inventions that’s able to record and play a person’s memory. Watch for more films by afdah movies without any cost.