Title: River Road 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Rob Willey
Writer: Rob Willey
Stars: Cody Kearsley, Lexi Redman, Steven Roberts
How to watch River Road 2022 online?
Written, directed, edited, and shot by Rob Willey, River Road 2022 is an indie thriller about the dangers of addiction. While it doesn’t necessarily add to the discourse on drug addiction, the film manages to find a pulse through ill-fated romances and escalating turmoil at the hands of compelling characters. Travis (Cody Kearsley) is a rock musician from Vancouver. He is the guitarist for a band that recently wrapped up their US tour. He hopes to decompress at a lake house in Delta, British Columbia with his best friend Cole (Primo Allon). Travis has a very strict routine and diet: he eats healthy, does yoga, and writes lyrics in a special spot near the lake. This is where he constantly runs into the caustic, enthusiastic Zoe (Lexi Redman). They engage in repartee and spark chemistry that intrigues Travis, who goes so far as to invite him to a party he is hosting. Initially, Travis doesn’t want to throw a big party, but things don’t go as planned as his place is overrun with people and drugs. One of those guests is Zoe, who makes quite an impression on Travis’ friends Katie (Melanie Rose Wilson) and Jason (Rob Willey). Overnight, Travis and Zoe connect on a deeper level, and while doing cocaine, they accidentally sniff heroin. As a result of the party, Travis continues his relationship with Zoe while simultaneously feeding his new addiction. The platform you may have known about Afdah.oi, is the best movie streaming website.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Rob Willey
Writer: Rob Willey
Stars: Cody Kearsley, Lexi Redman, Steven Roberts
How to watch River Road 2022 online?
Written, directed, edited, and shot by Rob Willey, River Road 2022 is an indie thriller about the dangers of addiction. While it doesn’t necessarily add to the discourse on drug addiction, the film manages to find a pulse through ill-fated romances and escalating turmoil at the hands of compelling characters. Travis (Cody Kearsley) is a rock musician from Vancouver. He is the guitarist for a band that recently wrapped up their US tour. He hopes to decompress at a lake house in Delta, British Columbia with his best friend Cole (Primo Allon). Travis has a very strict routine and diet: he eats healthy, does yoga, and writes lyrics in a special spot near the lake. This is where he constantly runs into the caustic, enthusiastic Zoe (Lexi Redman). They engage in repartee and spark chemistry that intrigues Travis, who goes so far as to invite him to a party he is hosting. Initially, Travis doesn’t want to throw a big party, but things don’t go as planned as his place is overrun with people and drugs. One of those guests is Zoe, who makes quite an impression on Travis’ friends Katie (Melanie Rose Wilson) and Jason (Rob Willey). Overnight, Travis and Zoe connect on a deeper level, and while doing cocaine, they accidentally sniff heroin. As a result of the party, Travis continues his relationship with Zoe while simultaneously feeding his new addiction. The platform you may have known about Afdah.oi, is the best movie streaming website.
2022, afdah en español, Drama Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies