Title: Santana 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Action, Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Maradona Dias Dos Santos, Chris Roland
Writer: Chris Roland, Maradona Dias Dos Santos
Stars: Paulo Americano, Dalton Borralho, Terence Bridgett
Synopsis: Free Santana 2020 movie streaming online in HD quality. This is an action thriller movie about Two brothers. They work for the police. One is a drug agent of the National Directorate of Criminal Investigation, the other a general. They finally discover the identity of the drug lord who killed their parents decades ago. But they have their own disagreements about justice and revenge, and so they are able to kill each other before they can catch the gangsters. afdah movie is a platform that allows users to stream and download all new hollywood movies.
Genres: 2020 Movies | Action, Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Maradona Dias Dos Santos, Chris Roland
Writer: Chris Roland, Maradona Dias Dos Santos
Stars: Paulo Americano, Dalton Borralho, Terence Bridgett
Synopsis: Free Santana 2020 movie streaming online in HD quality. This is an action thriller movie about Two brothers. They work for the police. One is a drug agent of the National Directorate of Criminal Investigation, the other a general. They finally discover the identity of the drug lord who killed their parents decades ago. But they have their own disagreements about justice and revenge, and so they are able to kill each other before they can catch the gangsters. afdah movie is a platform that allows users to stream and download all new hollywood movies.
2020 Movies, Action Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie