Title: Scooby-Doo! Shaggy’s Showdown (2017) Movie
Genres: 2017 Movie | Animation | Comedy | Family
Language: English
Directors: Matt Peters, Dongwan Jung
Writer: Candie Langdale (as Candie Kelty Langdale), Douglas Langdale (as Doug Langdale)
Stars: Frank Welker, Grey DeLisle, Matthew Lillard
Synopsis: When Scooby and his friends visit a ranch for tourists, they discover that this and the nearby town have been haunted by a ghost cowboy, Dapper Dan, who throws real fire from his fierros to mark. The mystery only intensifies when it is discovered that the ghost is also the relative of Shaggy Rogers who have not seen in a long time. Watch more comedy films by afdah movie in free of cost.
2017 Movies, Animation Movies, Comedy Movies, English Movie, Family Movies
Genres: 2017 Movie | Animation | Comedy | Family
Language: English
Directors: Matt Peters, Dongwan Jung
Writer: Candie Langdale (as Candie Kelty Langdale), Douglas Langdale (as Doug Langdale)
Stars: Frank Welker, Grey DeLisle, Matthew Lillard
Synopsis: When Scooby and his friends visit a ranch for tourists, they discover that this and the nearby town have been haunted by a ghost cowboy, Dapper Dan, who throws real fire from his fierros to mark. The mystery only intensifies when it is discovered that the ghost is also the relative of Shaggy Rogers who have not seen in a long time. Watch more comedy films by afdah movie in free of cost.