Title: Sgt Stubby An American Hero 2018
Genres: 2018 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Family
IMDB Rating: 6.9/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Richard Lanni
Writer: Richard Lanni, Mike Stokey
Stars: Logan Lerman, Helena Bonham Carter, Gérard Depardieu
Synopsis: Despite lacking formal military working dog training, Stubby the dog and his human companions find themselves in the trenches of France and on the path to history. French Infantryman Gaston Baptiste befriends the duo and accompanies them along their epic journey through harsh conditions and incredible acts of courage. For his valorous actions, Stubby is recognized as the first canine ever promoted to the rank of Sergeant in U.S. Army history. Watch for more animation movies online without any membership.
2018 Movies, Adventure Movies, Animation Movies, English Movie, Family Movies, Fantasy Movies
Genres: 2018 Movies | Animation, Adventure, Family
IMDB Rating: 6.9/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Richard Lanni
Writer: Richard Lanni, Mike Stokey
Stars: Logan Lerman, Helena Bonham Carter, Gérard Depardieu
Synopsis: Despite lacking formal military working dog training, Stubby the dog and his human companions find themselves in the trenches of France and on the path to history. French Infantryman Gaston Baptiste befriends the duo and accompanies them along their epic journey through harsh conditions and incredible acts of courage. For his valorous actions, Stubby is recognized as the first canine ever promoted to the rank of Sergeant in U.S. Army history. Watch for more animation movies online without any membership.