Title: Skinned 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Terry Lee Coker
Writer: Bradley Coker, Terry Lee Coker
Stars: Lewis Kirk, Noeleen Comiskey, Joel Rothwell
Synopsis: Download hd movie Skinned 2020 free online. The movie is telling about Eva. She is an undercover police officer with a reputation of going too far to solve cases. To find a serial killer, who tattoos and skins his victims, Eva meets Nathan and starts to get close to him. But she doesn’t know that Nathan is the serial killer she is hunting and by coincidently getting close to him. This could result in her losing her life that she cannot imagine. Now afdah watch movies online for free on any device.
2020 Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Terry Lee Coker
Writer: Bradley Coker, Terry Lee Coker
Stars: Lewis Kirk, Noeleen Comiskey, Joel Rothwell
Synopsis: Download hd movie Skinned 2020 free online. The movie is telling about Eva. She is an undercover police officer with a reputation of going too far to solve cases. To find a serial killer, who tattoos and skins his victims, Eva meets Nathan and starts to get close to him. But she doesn’t know that Nathan is the serial killer she is hunting and by coincidently getting close to him. This could result in her losing her life that she cannot imagine. Now afdah watch movies online for free on any device.