Title: Sniper: Ultimate Kill (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movies | Action, Drama, Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Claudio Fäh
Writer: Michael Frost Beckner, Chris Hauty
Stars: Billy Zane, Tom Berenger, Danay Garcia
Synopsis: Sniper: Ultimate Kill 2017 is a drama thriller movie. The movie story told about Richard Miller and Sergeant Thomas Beckett join forces in the heart of Colombia to break up a violent drug cartel. When a deadly hired killer with an unprecedented arsenal targets the local secret agent, Kate Estrada, our elite team must engage in a decisive confrontation. Watch for more drama movies by afdah online without any cost.
2017 Movies, Action Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2017 Movies | Action, Drama, Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Claudio Fäh
Writer: Michael Frost Beckner, Chris Hauty
Stars: Billy Zane, Tom Berenger, Danay Garcia
Synopsis: Sniper: Ultimate Kill 2017 is a drama thriller movie. The movie story told about Richard Miller and Sergeant Thomas Beckett join forces in the heart of Colombia to break up a violent drug cartel. When a deadly hired killer with an unprecedented arsenal targets the local secret agent, Kate Estrada, our elite team must engage in a decisive confrontation. Watch for more drama movies by afdah online without any cost.