Title: Spider-Man: Lotus 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Gavin J. Konop
Writer: Gavin J. Konop, Sean Thomas Reid, Warden Wayne
Stars: Warden Wayne, Sean Thomas Reid, Moriah Brooklyn
How to watch Spider-Man: Lotus 2023 online?
The movie’s events take place soon after Gwen Stacy’s passing. In the story, Peter Parker is depicted considering giving up his identity as Spider-Man permanently. Parker reconsiders his position, though, after reading a letter from a sick youngster asking to see Spider-Man before he passes away. The plot of Spider-Man: Lotus revolves around Peter Parker’s internal turmoil. He is filled with sorrow for past mistakes and the loss of his old love, Gwen Stacy. Watch more movies now free online on Afdah info.