Title: Stolen princess: Ruslan and Ludmila (2018)
Genres: 2018 Movies | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Language: English
Directors: Oleh Malamuzh
Writers: Yaroslav Voytseshek
Stars: Nadiya Dorofeeva, Oleksiy Zavhorodniy, Yevhen Malukha

Stolen princess: Ruslan and Ludmila (2018) on IMDb

Synopsis: This awesome story occurred in the period of valiant knights, lovely princesses, and engaging magicians.Chernomor, the underhanded magician, showed up in an enchantment vortex and stole Mila just before Ruslan’s eyes to change her capacity of adoration into his own enchantment control. Right away, Ruslan sets out on a pursuit after the stolen princess to defeat all hindrances and to show their real love is more stronger than magic. Watch more free Animation Movies online streaming with just a single click.