Title: Strange Weather (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movie | Adventure, Drama
Language: English
Directors: Katherine Dieckmann
Writer: Katherine Dieckmann
Stars: Holly Hunter, Carrie Coon, Ransom Ashley
A powerful, expressive dramatization about a mother (Hunter), who, with an end goal to manage the despondency over the demise of her child, ventures to every part of the byways of the profound south to settle a score. An account of sorrow and pardoning, of searching internally to figure out how to push ahead. Here you can watch more Adventure films by afdah without any membership.
2017 Movies, Adventure Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie
Genres: 2017 Movie | Adventure, Drama
Language: English
Directors: Katherine Dieckmann
Writer: Katherine Dieckmann
Stars: Holly Hunter, Carrie Coon, Ransom Ashley
A powerful, expressive dramatization about a mother (Hunter), who, with an end goal to manage the despondency over the demise of her child, ventures to every part of the byways of the profound south to settle a score. An account of sorrow and pardoning, of searching internally to figure out how to push ahead. Here you can watch more Adventure films by afdah without any membership.