Title: Stray 2018
Genres: 2018 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 7.1/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Dustin Feneley
Writer: Dustin Feneley
Stars: Kieran Charnock, Arta Dobroshi, Luciane Buchanan
Synopsis: In a remote area, two unknowns attempt to improve their broken lives. A young man was released conditionally after he was in prison for a murder attempt. A woman has been fired from psychiatry and is far away from her homeland. The two meet in the mountains, winter time, and begin a relationship in which their ability to trust and heal is put to the test. Watch more drama movies online full free hd print.
Genres: 2018 Movies | Drama
IMDB Rating: 7.1/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Dustin Feneley
Writer: Dustin Feneley
Stars: Kieran Charnock, Arta Dobroshi, Luciane Buchanan
Synopsis: In a remote area, two unknowns attempt to improve their broken lives. A young man was released conditionally after he was in prison for a murder attempt. A woman has been fired from psychiatry and is far away from her homeland. The two meet in the mountains, winter time, and begin a relationship in which their ability to trust and heal is put to the test. Watch more drama movies online full free hd print.
2018 Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie