Title: Supergirl S04E18 Crime and Punishment
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama
Language: English
IMDB Rating: – 8.0/10
Directors: Antonio Negret
Writer: Jerry Siegel , Joe Shuster
Stars: Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks, Chyler Leigh
Synopsis:Kara and Lena head to Stryker’s Island to look for signs on the most proficient method to vanquish Lex. At the jail, Kara attempts to become a close acquaintence with a meddlesome detainee, Steve, who may have knowledge into what Lex was doing, while Lena contemplates a variety of riddles Lex left behind with expectations of finding his whereabouts. While there, a jail revolt breaks out and Kara must figure out how to stop the detainees without uncovering her mystery way of life as Supergirl. In the interim, Kelly urges James to converse with somebody for his PTSD. Watch more latest tv show on afdah online full free hd.
2019 Movies, Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Drama Movies, tv show
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama
Language: English
IMDB Rating: – 8.0/10
Directors: Antonio Negret
Writer: Jerry Siegel , Joe Shuster
Stars: Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks, Chyler Leigh
Synopsis:Kara and Lena head to Stryker’s Island to look for signs on the most proficient method to vanquish Lex. At the jail, Kara attempts to become a close acquaintence with a meddlesome detainee, Steve, who may have knowledge into what Lex was doing, while Lena contemplates a variety of riddles Lex left behind with expectations of finding his whereabouts. While there, a jail revolt breaks out and Kara must figure out how to stop the detainees without uncovering her mystery way of life as Supergirl. In the interim, Kelly urges James to converse with somebody for his PTSD. Watch more latest tv show on afdah online full free hd.