Title: The Devil Conspiracy 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Nathan Frankowski
Writer: Ed Alan
Stars: Alice Orr-Ewing, Joe Doyle, Eveline Hall
How to watch The Devil Conspiracy 2023 online?
Employees of a powerful biotechnology corporation created clones of influential people that have only existed in human history. They started producing duplicates of famous people from the past. A unique technology that made a breakthrough in cloning was in the hands of dark scientists. Professionals in the laboratory receive a copy of a celebrity at the request of a client by taking several DNA fragments. Members of the satanic sect will go to any length to obtain the cloned Jesus Christ. To accomplish this, they obtained the Shroud of Turin, which contained particles of his cells. A girl named Laura accidentally finds out about this. An American became a participant in the experiment. Later, the heroine finds out that she is carrying a child. She will not allow an innocent baby to be presented to the master of the underworld. Archangel Michael descends to earth. The Celestial will have to do everything possible so that the diabolical plot fails. Stream free afdah movie in 1080p HD.