Title: The Dig 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Biography, Drama, History
Quality: HD
Directors: Simon Stone
Writer: Moira Buffini, John Preston
Stars: Carey Mulligan, Ralph Fiennes, Lily James
How to watch The Dig 2021 on Afdah online?
The Dig 2021 is depicting the story of May 1939 when Europe decided to move toward war. An archaeologist Basil Brown finds the skeleton of an 88 -foot ship which looks to the time of the Anglo-Saxon period. British Museum gets the artifacts known as “Sutton Hoo find” today donated by Edith Pretty. This is Netflix’s new film directed by Simon Stone. Watch this drama history-based movie on afdah movies online without commercial advertisements.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Biography, Drama, History
Quality: HD
Directors: Simon Stone
Writer: Moira Buffini, John Preston
Stars: Carey Mulligan, Ralph Fiennes, Lily James
How to watch The Dig 2021 on Afdah online?
The Dig 2021 is depicting the story of May 1939 when Europe decided to move toward war. An archaeologist Basil Brown finds the skeleton of an 88 -foot ship which looks to the time of the Anglo-Saxon period. British Museum gets the artifacts known as “Sutton Hoo find” today donated by Edith Pretty. This is Netflix’s new film directed by Simon Stone. Watch this drama history-based movie on afdah movies online without commercial advertisements.
2021 Movies, Biography, Drama Movies, History Movies