Title: The Diplomat Season 1
Genres: 2023 Movies | Drama, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Debora Cahn
Writer: Debora Cahn
Stars: Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell, David Gyasi
How to watch The Diplomat Season 1 online?
In Kabul, Afghanistan, where she previously served for what appears to have been a considerable amount of time, American ambassador Kate Wyler is getting ready for her upcoming assignment. Her husband, Hal Wyler, has already represented the United States as an ambassador to a number of nations, and they soon intend to do the same. But when a single story becomes viral in the media and on people’s smartphones, everything is changed. Those responsible for the attack on the British aircraft carrier HMS Courageous off the coast of Iran are still at large. In light of the confirmed loss of 25 Royal Navy sailors, the US government decided to demonstrate its support for the UK authorities and dispatched a new Ambassador to the Kingdom. Enjoy the new afdah movies at home.
Genres: 2023 Movies | Drama, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Debora Cahn
Writer: Debora Cahn
Stars: Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell, David Gyasi
How to watch The Diplomat Season 1 online?
In Kabul, Afghanistan, where she previously served for what appears to have been a considerable amount of time, American ambassador Kate Wyler is getting ready for her upcoming assignment. Her husband, Hal Wyler, has already represented the United States as an ambassador to a number of nations, and they soon intend to do the same. But when a single story becomes viral in the media and on people’s smartphones, everything is changed. Those responsible for the attack on the British aircraft carrier HMS Courageous off the coast of Iran are still at large. In light of the confirmed loss of 25 Royal Navy sailors, the US government decided to demonstrate its support for the UK authorities and dispatched a new Ambassador to the Kingdom. Enjoy the new afdah movies at home.