Title: The Enforcer 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Crime, Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Richard Hughes
Writer: W. Peter Iliff
Stars: Antonio Banderas, Kate Bosworth, Mojean Aria
How to watch The Enforcer 2022 online?
A cruel, quirky bandit nicknamed Barracuda is well known in the criminal world. He is respected, bowed down before him and even set as an example. Despite the fact that he is a notorious bandit and murderer, Barracuda has his own principles that cannot be violated. Quite by accident, the villain learns that the members of his mafia plan brutally dealt with the main witness in a major case. At first, this news did not arouse interest, but as soon as Barracuda learns that a teenage girl was the victim, his attitude changes. The criminal transfers all his rage to his accomplices. He is ready to go against everyone, say goodbye to a high status in the criminal world, but punish the killers of a 15-year-old girl. A professional killer, on whose account there are dozens of contract killings, will stop at nothing. Alone, he goes on the warpath with large mafia groups and their leaders in order to restore justice and honor. Watch new movies on afdah website without login.
2022, Action Movies, Crime Movies, Drama Movies
Genres: 2022 Movies | Action, Crime, Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Richard Hughes
Writer: W. Peter Iliff
Stars: Antonio Banderas, Kate Bosworth, Mojean Aria
How to watch The Enforcer 2022 online?
A cruel, quirky bandit nicknamed Barracuda is well known in the criminal world. He is respected, bowed down before him and even set as an example. Despite the fact that he is a notorious bandit and murderer, Barracuda has his own principles that cannot be violated. Quite by accident, the villain learns that the members of his mafia plan brutally dealt with the main witness in a major case. At first, this news did not arouse interest, but as soon as Barracuda learns that a teenage girl was the victim, his attitude changes. The criminal transfers all his rage to his accomplices. He is ready to go against everyone, say goodbye to a high status in the criminal world, but punish the killers of a 15-year-old girl. A professional killer, on whose account there are dozens of contract killings, will stop at nothing. Alone, he goes on the warpath with large mafia groups and their leaders in order to restore justice and honor. Watch new movies on afdah website without login.