Title: The Fast and the Furious 2001
Genres: 2001 Movies | Action, Crime, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Rob Cohen
Writer: Ken Li, Gary Scott Thompson
Stars: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez
Synopsis: The film aims to present fictional stories located in the dangerous world of street racing, with modified cars that perform stunts. It consists of ten subsequent deliveries and the plot runs entirely in Los Angeles , although later the protagonists for various reasons travel to other cities, such as New York , Abu Dhabi , London , Rio de Janeiro , among others. Enjoy more movies only on afdah movie without any cost.
Action Movies, Crime Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2001 Movies | Action, Crime, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Rob Cohen
Writer: Ken Li, Gary Scott Thompson
Stars: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez
Synopsis: The film aims to present fictional stories located in the dangerous world of street racing, with modified cars that perform stunts. It consists of ten subsequent deliveries and the plot runs entirely in Los Angeles , although later the protagonists for various reasons travel to other cities, such as New York , Abu Dhabi , London , Rio de Janeiro , among others. Enjoy more movies only on afdah movie without any cost.