Title: The Hard Way 2019
Genres: 2019 Movies | Action
Quality: 720p
Directors: Keoni Waxman
Writer: Thomas J. Churchill, Keoni Waxman
Stars: Michael Jai White, Luke Goss, Randy Couture
Synopsis: Nick Lang is a famous actor who desperately needs to end his cinematographic image as a good boy. Think you’ll get a brave homicide detective role if you manage to do it in real life. With that goal, Lang leaves Hollywood to spend a few weeks on the streets of New York with detective John Moss. Moss is an energetic policeman who takes his job very seriously. Now he tracks down a ruthless serial killer, and the last thing he needs is to carry a heavy one. But his boss, Nick Lang’s admirer, insists, and Moss will have to figure out how to get rid of Lang while chasing the killer. Watch more action movies online free of cost.
2019 Movies, Action Movies, English Movie
Genres: 2019 Movies | Action
Quality: 720p
Directors: Keoni Waxman
Writer: Thomas J. Churchill, Keoni Waxman
Stars: Michael Jai White, Luke Goss, Randy Couture
Synopsis: Nick Lang is a famous actor who desperately needs to end his cinematographic image as a good boy. Think you’ll get a brave homicide detective role if you manage to do it in real life. With that goal, Lang leaves Hollywood to spend a few weeks on the streets of New York with detective John Moss. Moss is an energetic policeman who takes his job very seriously. Now he tracks down a ruthless serial killer, and the last thing he needs is to carry a heavy one. But his boss, Nick Lang’s admirer, insists, and Moss will have to figure out how to get rid of Lang while chasing the killer. Watch more action movies online free of cost.