Title: The Harrowing 2018
Genres: 2018 Movies
IMDB Rating: 3.4/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Jon Keeyes
Writer: Jon Keeyes
Stars: Matthew Tompkins, Arnold Vosloo, Michael Ironside
Synopsis: After a false begin, The Harrowing opens with Detective Ryan Calhoun (Matthew Tompkins) on what is by all accounts a moderately direct examination. Be that as it may, things before long turn astray as his whole group is killed in an obviously formal executing. This sets Calhoun on an examination concerning a scientific healing facility, which one of his group had been discharged from a few years sooner. Choosing the most ideal approach to get data is from within, he persuades his lieutenant to send him covert in the healing facility. Get afdah movie streaming like this without any download
2018 Movies, English Movie, Fantasy Movies, Horror Movies
Genres: 2018 Movies
IMDB Rating: 3.4/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Jon Keeyes
Writer: Jon Keeyes
Stars: Matthew Tompkins, Arnold Vosloo, Michael Ironside
Synopsis: After a false begin, The Harrowing opens with Detective Ryan Calhoun (Matthew Tompkins) on what is by all accounts a moderately direct examination. Be that as it may, things before long turn astray as his whole group is killed in an obviously formal executing. This sets Calhoun on an examination concerning a scientific healing facility, which one of his group had been discharged from a few years sooner. Choosing the most ideal approach to get data is from within, he persuades his lieutenant to send him covert in the healing facility. Get afdah movie streaming like this without any download