Title: The Hunter’s Prayer (2017) Movie
Genres: 2017 Movie | Action | Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Jonathan Mostow
Writer: John Brancato (screenplay), Michael Ferris (screenplay)
Stars: Sam Worthington, Odeya Rush, Allen Leech
Synopsis: While on vacation abroad, college student Ella Hatto (Odeya Rush) discovers that her entire family has been killed. When she goes to run the same fate, she is saved by an old mercenary, Stephen Lucas (Sam Worthington). She will then join him to try to hunt down those responsible. Watch more afdah movies 2017 in actions with just a single click.
2017 Movies, Action Movies, English Movie, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2017 Movie | Action | Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Jonathan Mostow
Writer: John Brancato (screenplay), Michael Ferris (screenplay)
Stars: Sam Worthington, Odeya Rush, Allen Leech
Synopsis: While on vacation abroad, college student Ella Hatto (Odeya Rush) discovers that her entire family has been killed. When she goes to run the same fate, she is saved by an old mercenary, Stephen Lucas (Sam Worthington). She will then join him to try to hunt down those responsible. Watch more afdah movies 2017 in actions with just a single click.