Title: The Limehouse Golem (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Juan Carlos Medina
Writer: Peter Ackroyd (novel), Jane Goldman (screenplay)
Stars: Olivia Cooke, Bill Nighy, Eddie Marsan

The Limehouse Golem (2016) on IMDb

The action takes place in London during the nineteenth century, specifically in 1880. In the dangerous district of Limehouse the panic among its inhabitants is unleashed when a series of murders are revealed as the last scourge of a city already plagued by crime, robbery and rape . But this time it is different, since the murders are so macabre that the citizens spread the rumor that the only one capable of perpetrating such atrocities is a mythical personage of the History of the country: Golem. In the face of the evident need to end the cataract of homicides that shake the city, the police decided to put the investigation to the front of the investigation to the detective Kildare, who will try to unravel the mystery that lies behind a string of murders. Watch for more horror movies without any cost.