Title: The Owners 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Action, Horror, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Julius Berg
Writer: Mathieu Gompel, Julius Berg
Stars: Maisie Williams, Sylvester McCoy, Rita Tushingham
Synopsis: Watch Online Free Streaming The Owners 2020 in 1080 HD Quality. The Owners 2020 movie was adapted from the graphic novel. The movie based horror and killer family who killed all of three guys. Before the robbing and make a plan to rob the house because they heard from someone that this house has tons of cash. When the elderly couple enters into the house than the two boys attacked on a couple and after that treat as kidnappers and giving the threat to kill but unfortunately the wound by himself and left are captive in that house. The girl wants to get out from here but unfortunately she not. Watch more similar types of movies from afdah page 2 in HD format without any facing interruptions

2020 Movies, Action Movies, Horror Movies, Thriller Movies