Title: The Regime Season 1
Genres: 2024 | Drama
Quality: HD
How to watch The Regime Season 1 online?
Chancellor Elena Vernham is an emotionally stunted hypochondriac who abandoned a successful medical career to lead an unnamed Middle European country. Elena, concerned that she will succumb to the same lung disease that killed her father, hires Corporal Herbert Zubak, who was just humiliated for massacring miners protesting poor working conditions, to walk in front of her wherever she goes so he can test the air with a hygrometer. Herbert displays his mettle in an assassination attempt, and Elena swiftly succumbs to his views on traditional medicine and isolationist foreign policy. The problem is that Herbert, our stand-in for a working-class stiff whose violent background and unhappiness push him to right-wing populism, genuinely believes in these values and even loves Elena. She just wants someone to gently tell her what to do so she can do it herself and take credit. It’s an intrinsically lethal combination, which neither knows until it’s too late. Browse now with Afdah website for free.
Genres: 2024 | Drama
Quality: HD
How to watch The Regime Season 1 online?
Chancellor Elena Vernham is an emotionally stunted hypochondriac who abandoned a successful medical career to lead an unnamed Middle European country. Elena, concerned that she will succumb to the same lung disease that killed her father, hires Corporal Herbert Zubak, who was just humiliated for massacring miners protesting poor working conditions, to walk in front of her wherever she goes so he can test the air with a hygrometer. Herbert displays his mettle in an assassination attempt, and Elena swiftly succumbs to his views on traditional medicine and isolationist foreign policy. The problem is that Herbert, our stand-in for a working-class stiff whose violent background and unhappiness push him to right-wing populism, genuinely believes in these values and even loves Elena. She just wants someone to gently tell her what to do so she can do it herself and take credit. It’s an intrinsically lethal combination, which neither knows until it’s too late. Browse now with Afdah website for free.