Title: The Relationtrip (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movies | Comedy
Language: English
Directors: C.A. Gabriel, Renée Felice Smith
Writers: C.A. Gabriel, Renée Felice Smith
Stars: Renée Felice Smith, Matt Bush, Nelson Franklin
Synopsis: At an age when everybody around them is settling down and discovering adoration, Beck and Liam are self-declared mavericks. In the wake of holding over their shared lack of engagement seeing someone, they choose to leave together on a ‘companion’ trip. Furthermore, that is when things get odd. Extremely, strangely odd. Watch more free Afdah movies online streaming like this with just a single click.
2017 Movies, Comedy Movies, English Movie
Genres: 2017 Movies | Comedy
Language: English
Directors: C.A. Gabriel, Renée Felice Smith
Writers: C.A. Gabriel, Renée Felice Smith
Stars: Renée Felice Smith, Matt Bush, Nelson Franklin
Synopsis: At an age when everybody around them is settling down and discovering adoration, Beck and Liam are self-declared mavericks. In the wake of holding over their shared lack of engagement seeing someone, they choose to leave together on a ‘companion’ trip. Furthermore, that is when things get odd. Extremely, strangely odd. Watch more free Afdah movies online streaming like this with just a single click.