Title: The Royal Treatment 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Comedy, Family, Romance
Quality: HD
Directors: Rick Jacobson
Writer: Holly Hester
Stars: Michael Weaver, Tim Griffin, Justin Huen
How to watch The Royal Treatment 2022 online?
The film begins with a hairdresser named Isabella (Laura Marano) giving away free donuts while going to work in her neighborhood. Arriving at work, he noticed that his salon had caught fire due to the microwave. When the owner of the salon Doug (Jay Simon) assistant arrives to demand compensation for the loss. Izzy pays the money she saved to travel the world. Prince Thomas (Mena Massoud), the prince of Lavania, asks his assistant to cut his hair. Her assistant accidentally called Izzy’s salon and told her she would be paid $ 500 for a haircut. She easily agrees and visits his place. When she meets the prince and starts cutting his hair, a house servant comes with tea and accidentally throws it away. Izzy is upset about how badly the housekeeper is treated and the prince’s haircut is left unfinished. She returns to the salon and tells her family about the day’s events. This film has got 5.4/10 IMDB Ratings. This 2022 released Afdah Movie is now streaming here, to watch more similar films visit home page now.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Comedy, Family, Romance
Quality: HD
Directors: Rick Jacobson
Writer: Holly Hester
Stars: Michael Weaver, Tim Griffin, Justin Huen
How to watch The Royal Treatment 2022 online?
The film begins with a hairdresser named Isabella (Laura Marano) giving away free donuts while going to work in her neighborhood. Arriving at work, he noticed that his salon had caught fire due to the microwave. When the owner of the salon Doug (Jay Simon) assistant arrives to demand compensation for the loss. Izzy pays the money she saved to travel the world. Prince Thomas (Mena Massoud), the prince of Lavania, asks his assistant to cut his hair. Her assistant accidentally called Izzy’s salon and told her she would be paid $ 500 for a haircut. She easily agrees and visits his place. When she meets the prince and starts cutting his hair, a house servant comes with tea and accidentally throws it away. Izzy is upset about how badly the housekeeper is treated and the prince’s haircut is left unfinished. She returns to the salon and tells her family about the day’s events. This film has got 5.4/10 IMDB Ratings. This 2022 released Afdah Movie is now streaming here, to watch more similar films visit home page now.
2022, Comedy Movies, Family Movies, Romance Movies