Title: The Stranger in Our Bed 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Mystery, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Giles Alderson
Writer: Samantha Lee Howe
Stars: Emily Berrington, Ben Lloyd-Hughes, Samantha Bond
How to watch The Stranger in Our Bed 2022 online?
Charlotte (Emily Berrington) feels trapped in her marriage to a rich and controlling husband. She begins an affair with another man, who then mysteriously disappears without a trace. Behind her husband’s back, she secretly begins investigating his disappearance, teaming up with her lover’s sister to uncover the truth behind what happened. It soon becomes clear that nothing is as it seems, and after witnessing a murder, the two become embroiled in a dark and twisted game of cat-and-mouse. With the bodies piling up, Charlotte must figure out what’s really going on. The best Afdah Movies Online platform has covered the globe in concise terms of time, here you and many others from different countries are enjoying free Hollywood movies.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Mystery, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Giles Alderson
Writer: Samantha Lee Howe
Stars: Emily Berrington, Ben Lloyd-Hughes, Samantha Bond
How to watch The Stranger in Our Bed 2022 online?
Charlotte (Emily Berrington) feels trapped in her marriage to a rich and controlling husband. She begins an affair with another man, who then mysteriously disappears without a trace. Behind her husband’s back, she secretly begins investigating his disappearance, teaming up with her lover’s sister to uncover the truth behind what happened. It soon becomes clear that nothing is as it seems, and after witnessing a murder, the two become embroiled in a dark and twisted game of cat-and-mouse. With the bodies piling up, Charlotte must figure out what’s really going on. The best Afdah Movies Online platform has covered the globe in concise terms of time, here you and many others from different countries are enjoying free Hollywood movies.
2022, afdah en español, English Movie, Mystery Movies, Thriller Movies