Title: There Will Be Blood 2007
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Paul Thomas Anderson
Writer: Paul Thomas Anderson, Upton Sinclair
Stars: Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Ciarán Hinds
How to watch There Will Be Blood 2007 online?
In the film, Daniel Plainview is a silver prospector mining a precious ore in New Mexico. He falls during the process of dynamiting the lode and broke his leg. He gets back out of the mine with a silver sample and goes to an assay office and receives a silver and gold certificate claim. He finds oil near Los Angeles and made a drilling company in 1902. During work, a worker met death in an accident so Daniel adopts the orphaned son of that man. He declared the boy, H.W as his nominal business partner. Visit afdah 2021 and watch unlimited 2021 movies without ads.

Drama Movies, English Movie