Title: Things Heard & Seen 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Quality: HD
Directors: Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pulcini
Writer: Elizabeth Brundage, Shari Springer Berman
Stars: Amanda Seyfried, James Norton, Natalia Dyer
How to watch Things Heard & Seen 2021 online?
In the film, Catherine Clare is a woman living unwillingly in Manhattan. She put all her efforts to convert the old dairy farm into a place where her daughter feels happy. She relocated her family to a historic hamlet in the Hudson Valley after her husband started working as an assistant art professor at a small Hudson Valley college. She doubts her marriage containing sinister darkness after settling into a new life. She is feeling increasingly isolated and alone. This all involves her in creating domestic turbulence.Watch movies on afdah free movies without ads.

2021 Movies, Drama Movies, Horror Movies, Mystery Movies