Title: Totem (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movies | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Marcel Sarmiento
Writers: Evan Dickson (screenplay by), Evan Dickson
Stars: Kerris Dorsey, Ahna O’Reilly, James Tupper
Synopsis: A young teenager will have to do everything possible to save her family from a supernatural entity that stalks the house and that will endanger all members. Marcel Sarmiento (The invitation, Deadgirl) directs this horror movie. Watch more horror movies by afdah without any cost.
Genres: 2017 Movies | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Marcel Sarmiento
Writers: Evan Dickson (screenplay by), Evan Dickson
Stars: Kerris Dorsey, Ahna O’Reilly, James Tupper
Synopsis: A young teenager will have to do everything possible to save her family from a supernatural entity that stalks the house and that will endanger all members. Marcel Sarmiento (The invitation, Deadgirl) directs this horror movie. Watch more horror movies by afdah without any cost.
2017 Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies, Mystery Movies, Thriller Movies