Title: Truth or Dare (2018)
Genres: 2018 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Jeff Wadlow
Writers: Jillian Jacobs, Michael Reisz
Stars: Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane
Synopsis: A college student is chased by supernatural presence after playing the game of “Truth or dare”. If they do not follow the rules or refuse to play, they will be possessed by a demon that will force them to kill themselves or others. Watch more latest Horror Movies Like this without any cost.
2018 Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies, Thriller Movies
Genres: 2018 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Language: English
Directors: Jeff Wadlow
Writers: Jillian Jacobs, Michael Reisz
Stars: Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane
Synopsis: A college student is chased by supernatural presence after playing the game of “Truth or dare”. If they do not follow the rules or refuse to play, they will be possessed by a demon that will force them to kill themselves or others. Watch more latest Horror Movies Like this without any cost.