Title: Umma 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Quality: HD
Directors: Iris K. Shim
Writer: Iris K. Shim
Stars: Sandra Oh, Fivel Stewart, Dermot Mulroney
How to watch Umma 2022 online?
Amanda (Sandra Oh), a Korean immigrant, and her home schoolgirl Chris “Chris” (Fivel Stewart) live on a rural farm, raise bees, sell honey, raise chickens, and live without modern technology. Amanda has an “allergic reaction” to electronics and electricity. She is upset to learn that Chris wants to leave the farm to pursue college because Amanda wants him to stay on the farm. When Amanda finds the remains of her recently deceased separated mother, whom she called Umma (MeeWha Alana Lee), her uncle from Korea came to visit her in a suitcase, she is confronted with the memories of her abusive childhood. Umma was left to raise Amanda alone in the United States, was unable to speak English, and was surrounded by people who did not understand or practice her culture. It has been revealed that Amanda developed her “allergy” to electronics after being electrocuted several times by Umma as punishment. When Amanda severed ties with her mother, she severed ties with her Korean heritage as a whole, including dropping her family name. As soon as her uncle left, she embarrassed Amanda for abandoning her mother and legacy and for not teaching Chrissy the Korean language and culture. Immediately after the bones arrive, an evil spirit appears, intending to claim Amanda’s body for itself. From the supernatural phenomena after the handing over of her mother’s bones to the sightings of distressed Korean spirits to the eating of her chickens by a kumhiho, Amanda suddenly becomes more insane and afraid that she will slowly lose her temper. Becoming a mother. This fear is realized when Uma successfully retains her daughter while Amanda tries to bury the bones. So many similar sites like Afdah .net are available on the Internet, but you can trust and rely upon them by closing your eyes on this platform.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Quality: HD
Directors: Iris K. Shim
Writer: Iris K. Shim
Stars: Sandra Oh, Fivel Stewart, Dermot Mulroney
How to watch Umma 2022 online?
Amanda (Sandra Oh), a Korean immigrant, and her home schoolgirl Chris “Chris” (Fivel Stewart) live on a rural farm, raise bees, sell honey, raise chickens, and live without modern technology. Amanda has an “allergic reaction” to electronics and electricity. She is upset to learn that Chris wants to leave the farm to pursue college because Amanda wants him to stay on the farm. When Amanda finds the remains of her recently deceased separated mother, whom she called Umma (MeeWha Alana Lee), her uncle from Korea came to visit her in a suitcase, she is confronted with the memories of her abusive childhood. Umma was left to raise Amanda alone in the United States, was unable to speak English, and was surrounded by people who did not understand or practice her culture. It has been revealed that Amanda developed her “allergy” to electronics after being electrocuted several times by Umma as punishment. When Amanda severed ties with her mother, she severed ties with her Korean heritage as a whole, including dropping her family name. As soon as her uncle left, she embarrassed Amanda for abandoning her mother and legacy and for not teaching Chrissy the Korean language and culture. Immediately after the bones arrive, an evil spirit appears, intending to claim Amanda’s body for itself. From the supernatural phenomena after the handing over of her mother’s bones to the sightings of distressed Korean spirits to the eating of her chickens by a kumhiho, Amanda suddenly becomes more insane and afraid that she will slowly lose her temper. Becoming a mother. This fear is realized when Uma successfully retains her daughter while Amanda tries to bury the bones. So many similar sites like Afdah .net are available on the Internet, but you can trust and rely upon them by closing your eyes on this platform.
2022, afdah en español, Drama Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies, Mystery Movies