Title: Upside Down Magic 2020
Genres: 2020 Movies | Family, Fantasy
Quality: HD
Directors: Joe Nussbaum
Writer: Nick Pustay
Stars: Izabela Rose, Siena Agudong, Kyle Howard
Synopsis: Watch Upside Down Magic 2020 movie free in 720p Quality. Nori is ten years old, she knows how to transform into different animals and dreams of entering the best school of magic, the Academy of Sages. But everything goes wrong in the exam the girl’s talents do not impress strict teachers. Nori is forced to leave her home to live with her aunt and go to a regular school, a class for children with special magical abilities like her. But the girl does not lose heart together with her new friend as she hatches a plan on how to learn “ordinary magic” to enter the Academy and return to her family. Users can access popular afdah movies online within just a click.
2020 Movies, English Movie, Family Movies, Fantasy Movies
Genres: 2020 Movies | Family, Fantasy
Quality: HD
Directors: Joe Nussbaum
Writer: Nick Pustay
Stars: Izabela Rose, Siena Agudong, Kyle Howard
Synopsis: Watch Upside Down Magic 2020 movie free in 720p Quality. Nori is ten years old, she knows how to transform into different animals and dreams of entering the best school of magic, the Academy of Sages. But everything goes wrong in the exam the girl’s talents do not impress strict teachers. Nori is forced to leave her home to live with her aunt and go to a regular school, a class for children with special magical abilities like her. But the girl does not lose heart together with her new friend as she hatches a plan on how to learn “ordinary magic” to enter the Academy and return to her family. Users can access popular afdah movies online within just a click.