Title: Vacation Friends 2 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Quality: HD
Directors: Clay Tarver
Writer: Clay Tarver, Tom Mullen, Tim Mullen
Stars: Lil Rel Howery, Yvonne Orji, John Cena
How to watch Vacation Friends 2 2023 online?
This hilarious sequel follows up a few months after the conclusion of Vacation Friends, with newly wed couple Marcus and Emily inviting their unrestrained besties Ron and Kyla, who are also wedded and have a baby, to join them for a vacation when Marcus wins an all-expenses paid trip to a Caribbean resort. His primary motivation for flying there is to meet with the resort’s owners and bid on a construction contract for a hotel they own in Chicago. When Kyla’s imprisoned father, Reese, shows up at the resort unannounced at the worst possible time, things spin out of hand, destroying Marcus’ best-laid plans and turning the vacation companions’ wonderful trip into a horrible tragedy. Watch now full HD movies on Afdah.
Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Afdah 2023, Comedy Movies
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Quality: HD
Directors: Clay Tarver
Writer: Clay Tarver, Tom Mullen, Tim Mullen
Stars: Lil Rel Howery, Yvonne Orji, John Cena
How to watch Vacation Friends 2 2023 online?
This hilarious sequel follows up a few months after the conclusion of Vacation Friends, with newly wed couple Marcus and Emily inviting their unrestrained besties Ron and Kyla, who are also wedded and have a baby, to join them for a vacation when Marcus wins an all-expenses paid trip to a Caribbean resort. His primary motivation for flying there is to meet with the resort’s owners and bid on a construction contract for a hotel they own in Chicago. When Kyla’s imprisoned father, Reese, shows up at the resort unannounced at the worst possible time, things spin out of hand, destroying Marcus’ best-laid plans and turning the vacation companions’ wonderful trip into a horrible tragedy. Watch now full HD movies on Afdah.