Title: Vikings S05E16 (The Buddha)
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama
Language: English
IMDB Rating: 8.4/10
Directors: Steve Saint Leger
Writer: Michael Hirst
Stars: Katheryn Winnick, Gustaf Skarsgård, Alexander Ludwig
Synopsis: Bjorn accomplishes one Ragnar had always wanted; back in Kattegat, Ivar hatches another arrangement while planning for a perfect landing in Iceland a pilgrim returns in a horrendous state and King Alfred faces his most prominent risk yet. Get more vikings afdah tv Show without any cost.
2019 Movies, Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, tv show
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama
Language: English
IMDB Rating: 8.4/10
Directors: Steve Saint Leger
Writer: Michael Hirst
Stars: Katheryn Winnick, Gustaf Skarsgård, Alexander Ludwig
Synopsis: Bjorn accomplishes one Ragnar had always wanted; back in Kattegat, Ivar hatches another arrangement while planning for a perfect landing in Iceland a pilgrim returns in a horrendous state and King Alfred faces his most prominent risk yet. Get more vikings afdah tv Show without any cost.