Title: War Machine (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movie | Comedy | Drama | War
Language: English
Directors: David Michôd
Writer: Michael Hastings (book), David Michôd (screenplay)
Stars: Brad Pitt, Anthony Hayes, John Magaro
A charismatic four-star general, Glenn McMahon, leaps in like a rock star to command NATO forces in Afghanistan, only to be taken down by a journalist’s no-holds-barred expose. Afdah watch movies online free latest hollywood in HD picture quality.
2017 Movies, Comedy Movies, Drama Movies, English Movie, War Movies
Genres: 2017 Movie | Comedy | Drama | War
Language: English
Directors: David Michôd
Writer: Michael Hastings (book), David Michôd (screenplay)
Stars: Brad Pitt, Anthony Hayes, John Magaro
A charismatic four-star general, Glenn McMahon, leaps in like a rock star to command NATO forces in Afghanistan, only to be taken down by a journalist’s no-holds-barred expose. Afdah watch movies online free latest hollywood in HD picture quality.