Title: The Father 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Florian Zeller
Writer: Christopher Hampton, Florian Zeller
Stars: Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, Mark Gatiss
How to watch The Father 2021 Afdah online?
The Father 2021 is a drama film written and directed by Florian Zelle. This film is the story of an aging man who is dealing with memory loss. He has also forgotten all the important events that happened in his life. He forgets his watch after placing it in the same place every day. Anne is her daughter who is taking care of his father visits his flat after he got really aggressive with his new caretaker. The old man thought that the caretaker has stolen his watch. Anne has been divorced for five years and her father Anthony does not remember that she has already been divorced. Stream more latest 2021 HD movies on afdah 2021 without signup.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Drama
Quality: HD
Directors: Florian Zeller
Writer: Christopher Hampton, Florian Zeller
Stars: Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, Mark Gatiss
How to watch The Father 2021 Afdah online?
The Father 2021 is a drama film written and directed by Florian Zelle. This film is the story of an aging man who is dealing with memory loss. He has also forgotten all the important events that happened in his life. He forgets his watch after placing it in the same place every day. Anne is her daughter who is taking care of his father visits his flat after he got really aggressive with his new caretaker. The old man thought that the caretaker has stolen his watch. Anne has been divorced for five years and her father Anthony does not remember that she has already been divorced. Stream more latest 2021 HD movies on afdah 2021 without signup.
2021 Movies, Drama Movies