Title: Lords of Chaos 2018
Genres: 2018 Movies | Biography, Drama, Horror
IMDB Rating: 6.4/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Jonas Akerlund
Writer: Dennis Magnusson , Jonas Akerlund
Stars: Emory Cohen, Jack Kilmer, Sky Ferreira
Synopsis: One day when Qystein comes home, Pelle has committed suicide by cutting himself with a knife and finally shooting himself in the head. Instead of calling the police, Qystein goes to the nearest store to buy a disposable camera, arranges Pelle’s body and plates his friend and band member. Next album cover kirrat. Soon the pursuit of being the hardest and most probable within black metal will be stepped up to culminate in modern crime history. Watch more latest drama movies online full free hd print 720p.
2018 Movies, Biography, Drama Movies, English Movie, Horror Movies
Genres: 2018 Movies | Biography, Drama, Horror
IMDB Rating: 6.4/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Jonas Akerlund
Writer: Dennis Magnusson , Jonas Akerlund
Stars: Emory Cohen, Jack Kilmer, Sky Ferreira
Synopsis: One day when Qystein comes home, Pelle has committed suicide by cutting himself with a knife and finally shooting himself in the head. Instead of calling the police, Qystein goes to the nearest store to buy a disposable camera, arranges Pelle’s body and plates his friend and band member. Next album cover kirrat. Soon the pursuit of being the hardest and most probable within black metal will be stepped up to culminate in modern crime history. Watch more latest drama movies online full free hd print 720p.